
To The Common Wanderer.

 We’re Mark & Mim.

Welcome to our little corner of the internet, we’re so glad you’re here!

We wanted to share our love of travel and adventure with the world, so in 2015 we chose to wander; swapping our lives for a life on the road and real human connections instead.

Our great leap into the big wild began with a one-way ticket to Singapore with only the bags on our backs, our DSLR cameras and notebook in our hands, and the tantalising promise of adventure.

Since then, we’ve explored over 30 countries together, hiked the Himalayas in Nepal, watched the sun rise over the temples of Bagan, run-down Namibian sand dunes, delved into history in Europe, swam in vast oceans, safaried the African savannah, and explored ancient Cambodian jungles.

Follow our adventures around the world on Instagram.

  • Miranda


    Mim’s pretty nice, but don’t mess with her before her morning coffee! She’s a photographer and writer of words; her happy place is on the road, finding new adventures and stories to share.

    Travel’s been one of her main squeezes since spending 5 weeks in China at 14… Since then she’s been back to China twice, visited over 30 countries, and wants to see them ALL!

    Her main hobbies are: eating, annoying Mark with a million hypothetical ‘what if’ questions (especially when he’s jet-laggged), and going on adventures in this big wide world.

  • Mark


    Bortsa to his mates, Mark’s a Weet-Bix-fueled explorer.

    With a German granddad, Tanzanian grandmother, Namibian mum, and English dad, travel is literally in his blood. He’s the unadventurous half of TCW and pretty boring; despises photography, thinks “nature is lame” and refuses to do fun things like hike Kilimanjaro, the Annapurna Circuit, and Everest Base Camp. He’s also extremely sarcastic and loves to joke.

    In all seriousness, he’s all about exploring, documenting his love of adventure with his camera… and dodging Mim’s endless ‘what if’ questions!

We believe in sustainability and the power of travel as a force for good.

The Common Wanderer story.

At first glance, you might assume we’re part of the ‘we quit our jobs to travel’ crew — except that isn’t quite true.

See back in 2015 when this adventure started, we didn’t quit our jobs in marketing and communications just to travel. We quit them to create a business within the travel space that we were passionate about, that would help curious and adventurous folk like you (and us!) to experience more of what the world has to offer.

Eight years on, and The Common Wanderer has become an award-winning travel blog and resource for those seeking authentic, real-life experiences and connections in exciting destinations all around the world.

Here, we share the incredible, humbling, exciting places and human stories we discover during our travels, and provide you with all the advice and inspiration you need to depart on your own adventure, consciously, responsibly and ethically.

Whether it’s thought-provoking travel stories, sustainable travel guides, or beautiful photography you seek, we promise to stoke your wanderlust and empower you to wander in whichever direction you choose.

Want to work with The Common Wanderer?

When it comes to the partnerships we take on here at TCW HQ, we’re all about working with purpose-driven brands and organisations that put people and planet at the heart of everything they do through sustainable, ethical, empowering practices and production.

Does that sound like you? Click the button below to learn more about working with us.